
The Wishful Style Queen

Food | Style | Motherhood



An interlude

Crikey, it’s been awhile. Time whizzed past in the blink of an eye, even faster if you’re a sleep deprived mama and before I knew it, bam it’s the middle of October. Lots has happened, I had great ideas for posts, but the idea of writing seemed like tackling  Everest with no training, and I had to get on with the important task of adulting while sleep deprived so I chose adulting, halfheartedly. Thus an unexpected interlude from the blog occurred. I’m sorry.

Little A or the Sleep Thief as he’s now affectionately called wasn’t sleeping. Or rather he was, that is if you allowed him to fall asleep on you while sitting in a chair in his room and then picked him up from his cot when he screamed the house down in the middle of the night so he could sleep in with you. Three in the bed and the little one said… move over I want to lie horizontally on the bed and I’m going to whinge while asleep until I get my way! What do you mean you don’t enjoy sleeping on the edge of the bed with your head on the bedside table?

We’re in the process of resolving that issue thanks to the amazing Niamh O’Reilly from The Nursery. She’s a magician, well not really but she is magic! More on that soon.

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Everything and the kitchen sink

That’s what it feels like when you’re travelling with a small human. As my photo from our recent week away will attest. Yeph I brought everything, and I’m very happy I did.

Everything and the kitchen sink
We were only gone for one week!

This wasn’t Little A’s first trip away, but it was his first flight now that he’s a fully mobile, ants in his pants toddler. Busy, busy, busy little man, places to be, things to look at, messes to be made. While I was excited about our trip, c’mon holidays are awesome,  even if it rains, but I was genuinely scared of the travel aspect of the holiday. How would he cope? Would my usually chilled out fun toddler, decide that not being allowed run up and down the plane would in fact bring out the demon in him? So I planned the entire journey out, thought of nearly every eventuality and came up with a solution(the benefits of suffering from anxiety) and thought well at least if he has a meltdown it’s not because I didn’t bring Blue Bunny(we’re original in naming our teddies) or that there wasn’t 87 different varieties of snacks.

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Holiday prep – the one hack you need to know!

Eat beach

What a title. I feel like it needs to be followed by ‘get beach body ready in just 5 mins’. So with that in mind, here’s how to get beach body ready in less than 5 mins! Put on some spf and your choice of beach wear and go have fun! Ta da!

Right back to what I’m really talking about, the pre holiday prep, the packing, washing, sorting, organising, panicking that happens in the weeks and days before you jet off. While I adore holidays, I mean who doesn’t like a change of scenery, preparing for them is not something I can say I enjoy at all. In fact it fills me with dread. Living with anxiety means the weeks leading up to what should be a fun filled time of the year can be torturous. I am someone who has suffered from anxiety for years – this is not a new phenomenon, however post baby, it has reached new heights. What if he runs out of nappies, what if we are out for the day and I can’t heat his food, what if I drop his tin of special formula and it spills everywhere and I’m without, what if, what if, WHAT IF?!! What if nothing. It’s tiring trying to quieten down these thoughts, while simultaneously planning for your trip away. You’re conscious that you want to have everything right, not in a everything has to be perfect sense but you don’t want to upset their routine too, as most little ones are massive fans of routine. Happy baby = happy family.

Continue reading “Holiday prep – the one hack you need to know!”

Living with a cows milk allergy

No dairy

A cow’s what? Yeph that’s what I said when Little A was diagnosed with it. I’d heard of children being lactose intolerant, but never this. What was is, what did it mean for him?

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Things I wish I had been told


You get bombarded with advice as soon as you so much as look in the direction of a baby, never mind when you start waving around manically your pee stick. Ok was it just me who did that?!Pregnancy announcment

Here’s somethings I wish I had been told.

You will sleep

I will never understand why people need to ram down your throat that sleep will never happen again. You’re pregnant, you have enough anxiety and hormones changes to be dealing with without that flung into the mix every time you step outside your front door. You will sleep. As I said in a previous post, you absolutely will sleep, don’t let the horror stories scare you. The people who tell you these are mean, or lying, or both. It won’t be the long lazy lie in’s of your teenage years, more like an hour or two max at a time. You’ll learn to catch a quick cat nap and survive on less sleep than ever imaginable. And it will be worth it. Most of the time! For the other times there’s chocolate.

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Baby bits and bobs I couldn’t live without

Wishfulstylequeen and Little A
Baby sling in action!

In my circle of friends we’re in the middle of a baby boom. Within the space of a couple of years, we’ve gone from a group of girls, still thinking we’re in our early twenties to a group of mums with enough little ones to start up our own childcare facility(not a bad idea!)

This group provided me with invaluable knowledge on what to get in preparation for the arrival of Little A. Sometimes the recommendations were overwhelming, how are there so many different brands of breast pump? What do you mean rent one?! But one piece of advice came from everyone. Less is more. You don’t need EVERYTHING in Mothercare before the baby arrives, and if you find you really need that baby swingy rocker thing, you can buy it and get it delivered straight to your door.

One year on here is my list of things I could not live without.

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Nursery inspiration

Decorating a nursery is when you can really let your nesting instincts go wild! While your little bundle of joy may not be making their way into their own room for some time yet, it’s a great way to really get ready for this little person’s appearance.

When I was looking for inspiration, I found that most shops had slim pickings if you didn’t know whether you were having a little miss or a little mister. Not everyone likes yellow when decorating. I wanted something that reflected our style and complimented our home, yet was suitable for the little one.

One of my favourite books from my childhood is Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl, as it turns out Mr WSQ was a big fan too. We picked that as the basis for a gender neutral theme for the nursery.

Fantastic Mr Fox

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When smug comes to bite you in the a$$

That was me last night, little miss smug. Little A had a great day in creche, followed by a lovely relaxed evening and some great fun in the bath, only a few tears while getting changed for bed. He was tired. A story, head on the shoulder, then the sounds of soft snoring. He was asleep, bang on time and I’d even managed to go to the gym. Just call me super mum. Ha more like super smug mum.

I went downstairs and whittled away the evening doing god knows what as there is still a mountain of laundry to do. I went to bed early thinking, wow we’ve cracked this sleep thing once and for all.

Head hit the pillow, immediate black out sleep.

Waaaaa, waaaaaa, WAAAAAAAAA

Continue reading “When smug comes to bite you in the a$$”

Things NEVER to say to a pregnant woman

Someecards pregnancy

It’s hard to believe that Little A turned one at the weekend. Making it a whole year since I was pregnant. It got me thinking of all the crazy things people say to you while you are ‘with child’ and I made a mental note, never, ever in a month of Sundays to even think them around a pregnant woman.

Here are some of my absolute favourites, in fact while some incite rage as I write them  some make me full on LOL!

Continue reading “Things NEVER to say to a pregnant woman”

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