
The Wishful Style Queen

Food | Style | Motherhood



May Favourites

I missed April, well technically I didn’t, it was a whirlwind kicked off my celebrating Little A’s big 1. That year went by in a flash, as did the last two months, I mean how is it June? Don’t get me wrong I’m delighted it’s June, with it’s longer days, and no I don’t mean actually being awake longer due to the fact the little one is waking earlier thanks to the brighter mornings, warmer air and the general cheery disposition people have at this time of the year. Summer time is just beginning and the BBQ is fired up!

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March favourites

You are my favourite wishfulstylequeen

Another month that seemed to whizz past in the blink of an eye. I’ve been busy getting my head around the fact that Little A is turning one this month. In one sense I cannot believe that this day last year I was in labour, thinking he’d arrive any second, oh the naivety, it feels so long ago, like Little A has always been here and in another sense how did my baby turn into a toddler?!

March was a great month, with plenty of bank holidays, and while it was still chillier than a cold room in a butchers, the longer evenings started showing promise of the long awaited summer.

St Patrick’s Day was spent trekking west to Mayo, travelling through some amazing local parades, I felt incredibly proud to be Irish. The sense of community was evident, a wonderful moment to stop and appreciate that togetherness.

Easter weekend involved plenty of chocolate, delicious roast grub and some lovely walks as a small family, and more with the whole gang.

I tried a lot of new things in March but I managed to whittle it down to two favourites, one beauty and one baby. It’s safe to say my beauty pick has soared to the dizzying heights of my hall of fame. Yes it’s THAT good!

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February favourites

Holy moly how is it March? Despite the extra day, February seemed to go by in a flash. While I’m not quite ready to ditch the opaques just yet, in fact I’m not sure if I am ever ready to ditch them, winter clothes are much more flattering on me than Summer clothes. However, Spring is definitely in the air and I’m looking forward to longer, brighter and hopefully warmer days. Who am I kidding we live in Ireland, longer and brighter is good enough.

February for me was definitely a continuation of winter thinking, wrapping up from the biting wind and rain, oh so much rain, eating comfort food and trying to counteract the effects of central heating on my skin. I live in a house that Jack built, he was having an off day and forgot to insulate the thing, it was the 70’s so I’ll forgive him, but by god it can get cold in there. Hello hot water bottle. Brr.

You are my favourite

I have three favourites for February, one beauty, one food and one for the baby.

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Skin saviour – Indeed Labs Hydraluron

My name is Emma and I’m a skincare products addict. There I said it. I’m not ashamed of it. It’s true – like so many women I adore skincare. In fact I get given out to when I pass a pharmacy, as I inherently start heading towards the doors. It doesn’t matter who I’m with I find a reason to go inside, currently you might hear me saying ‘ooh I desperately need to get x, y, z FOR THE BABY!’

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