
The Wishful Style Queen

Food | Style | Motherhood


April 2016

Just another manic Monday

The Bangles Manic Monday

It’s one of those days. I woke up with a start, the alarm buzzer was what woke me, dragging me kicking and screaming out of the deepest slumber I’ve had in a very long time. A deep sleep the kind that feels like it was medicated, but not. Just the usual tiredness that comes with being a parent! It’s been a very long time since the alarm has woken me. None of us were awake, not even little A. He grumbled as much as I did upon being woken. Rubbing the sleep out of our eyes we all trudged downstairs. Bottle for him, coffee for us. Followed by porridge for all three, and of course the prerequisite bowl of berries for little A because I mean who eats porridge without eating berries as a starter?! Adding them into porridge, that’s amateur and frankly not good enough. One year old logic there!

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When smug comes to bite you in the a$$

That was me last night, little miss smug. Little A had a great day in creche, followed by a lovely relaxed evening and some great fun in the bath, only a few tears while getting changed for bed. He was tired. A story, head on the shoulder, then the sounds of soft snoring. He was asleep, bang on time and I’d even managed to go to the gym. Just call me super mum. Ha more like super smug mum.

I went downstairs and whittled away the evening doing god knows what as there is still a mountain of laundry to do. I went to bed early thinking, wow we’ve cracked this sleep thing once and for all.

Head hit the pillow, immediate black out sleep.

Waaaaa, waaaaaa, WAAAAAAAAA

Continue reading “When smug comes to bite you in the a$$”

Things NEVER to say to a pregnant woman

Someecards pregnancy

It’s hard to believe that Little A turned one at the weekend. Making it a whole year since I was pregnant. It got me thinking of all the crazy things people say to you while you are ‘with child’ and I made a mental note, never, ever in a month of Sundays to even think them around a pregnant woman.

Here are some of my absolute favourites, in fact while some incite rage as I write them  some make me full on LOL!

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March favourites

You are my favourite wishfulstylequeen

Another month that seemed to whizz past in the blink of an eye. I’ve been busy getting my head around the fact that Little A is turning one this month. In one sense I cannot believe that this day last year I was in labour, thinking he’d arrive any second, oh the naivety, it feels so long ago, like Little A has always been here and in another sense how did my baby turn into a toddler?!

March was a great month, with plenty of bank holidays, and while it was still chillier than a cold room in a butchers, the longer evenings started showing promise of the long awaited summer.

St Patrick’s Day was spent trekking west to Mayo, travelling through some amazing local parades, I felt incredibly proud to be Irish. The sense of community was evident, a wonderful moment to stop and appreciate that togetherness.

Easter weekend involved plenty of chocolate, delicious roast grub and some lovely walks as a small family, and more with the whole gang.

I tried a lot of new things in March but I managed to whittle it down to two favourites, one beauty and one baby. It’s safe to say my beauty pick has soared to the dizzying heights of my hall of fame. Yes it’s THAT good!

Continue reading “March favourites”

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