I woke up this morning to the dreaded beep, beep, BEEP of the alarm clock. Annoyingly for the first time in as long as I can remember the little man did not wake at the sound of dawn breaking. So I literally had to peel myself from the bed. I felt like I’d been hit by a ton of bricks, as if I was hungover, pah AS IF!

As I filled myself full of caffeine, himself asked did I want my runners in case I wanted to go for a run at lunch. Eh that would be a no. Not a chance, not today. I have the important task of trying to ‘adult’ while keeping my eyes open. I knew this was not the best idea, as a quick run, or even a brisk walk would ultimately make me feel more awake. Someday I’ll learn and go against my inner teenager. Today is not that day.

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