
The Wishful Style Queen

Food | Style | Motherhood



An interlude

Crikey, it’s been awhile. Time whizzed past in the blink of an eye, even faster if you’re a sleep deprived mama and before I knew it, bam it’s the middle of October. Lots has happened, I had great ideas for posts, but the idea of writing seemed like tackling  Everest with no training, and I had to get on with the important task of adulting while sleep deprived so I chose adulting, halfheartedly. Thus an unexpected interlude from the blog occurred. I’m sorry.

Little A or the Sleep Thief as he’s now affectionately called wasn’t sleeping. Or rather he was, that is if you allowed him to fall asleep on you while sitting in a chair in his room and then picked him up from his cot when he screamed the house down in the middle of the night so he could sleep in with you. Three in the bed and the little one said… move over I want to lie horizontally on the bed and I’m going to whinge while asleep until I get my way! What do you mean you don’t enjoy sleeping on the edge of the bed with your head on the bedside table?

We’re in the process of resolving that issue thanks to the amazing Niamh O’Reilly from The Nursery. She’s a magician, well not really but she is magic! More on that soon.

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Holiday prep – the one hack you need to know!

Eat beach

What a title. I feel like it needs to be followed by ‘get beach body ready in just 5 mins’. So with that in mind, here’s how to get beach body ready in less than 5 mins! Put on some spf and your choice of beach wear and go have fun! Ta da!

Right back to what I’m really talking about, the pre holiday prep, the packing, washing, sorting, organising, panicking that happens in the weeks and days before you jet off. While I adore holidays, I mean who doesn’t like a change of scenery, preparing for them is not something I can say I enjoy at all. In fact it fills me with dread. Living with anxiety means the weeks leading up to what should be a fun filled time of the year can be torturous. I am someone who has suffered from anxiety for years – this is not a new phenomenon, however post baby, it has reached new heights. What if he runs out of nappies, what if we are out for the day and I can’t heat his food, what if I drop his tin of special formula and it spills everywhere and I’m without, what if, what if, WHAT IF?!! What if nothing. It’s tiring trying to quieten down these thoughts, while simultaneously planning for your trip away. You’re conscious that you want to have everything right, not in a everything has to be perfect sense but you don’t want to upset their routine too, as most little ones are massive fans of routine. Happy baby = happy family.

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Mum on the run

My NikeID’s – It’s love

Since Little A has come along, I’ve found myself drawn to shoes that I can run about it, something stylish yet comfortable. We’re not talking nun shoes here, I’m thinking Nike, New Balance and the like! Stylish, comfortable, allowing you to nip to the shops, or go for a mammoth walk in an effort to get baba to sleep or meet other mums for much needed coffee and chat. Thankfully runners are still having something of a fashion moment, so instead of feeling like a retired American tourist in their spanking new white ‘sneakers’ you can feel impossibly stylish – even if you haven’t brushed your hair and the extent of your beauty routine is haphazardly slapping moisturiser on your face. In my book that’s a serious effort.

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