
The Wishful Style Queen

Food | Style | Motherhood


June 2016

Choosing childcare. How we chose crèche.

Childcare photo

In my naivety in my life bb(before baby) I thought choosing a childcare option would be simple. When I make decisions, I do my research and armed with the facts I make my choice, confident in my decision. I didn’t factor in the impact having a baby would make on your decision-making process. How emotions play a huge part, and your heart rules your head. You have to go with what’s right for you and your family given your circumstances. It can be a fraught time, sleepless nights(which are not helpful when the baby is actually sleeping) and in Ireland no matter what option you look at its expensive and really makes you question what you did with all your money pre baby?!

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Things I wish I had been told


You get bombarded with advice as soon as you so much as look in the direction of a baby, never mind when you start waving around manically your pee stick. Ok was it just me who did that?!Pregnancy announcment

Here’s somethings I wish I had been told.

You will sleep

I will never understand why people need to ram down your throat that sleep will never happen again. You’re pregnant, you have enough anxiety and hormones changes to be dealing with without that flung into the mix every time you step outside your front door. You will sleep. As I said in a previous post, you absolutely will sleep, don’t let the horror stories scare you. The people who tell you these are mean, or lying, or both. It won’t be the long lazy lie in’s of your teenage years, more like an hour or two max at a time. You’ll learn to catch a quick cat nap and survive on less sleep than ever imaginable. And it will be worth it. Most of the time! For the other times there’s chocolate.

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May Favourites

I missed April, well technically I didn’t, it was a whirlwind kicked off my celebrating Little A’s big 1. That year went by in a flash, as did the last two months, I mean how is it June? Don’t get me wrong I’m delighted it’s June, with it’s longer days, and no I don’t mean actually being awake longer due to the fact the little one is waking earlier thanks to the brighter mornings, warmer air and the general cheery disposition people have at this time of the year. Summer time is just beginning and the BBQ is fired up!

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