Not enough storage

My phone has been having a nervous breakdown over the past few days, despite purchasing extra iCloud storage – which I now believe to be a load of cobblers, I manage to see the ‘not enough storage’ warning at least once a day. I edit things down, I have all my photos up in the cloud, but yet, for some reason I still don’t have enough storage.

It was on one of those ‘editing’ missions that I came across this photo, me in my absolute favourite item of clothing that I bought while pregnant.

The gorgeous dress from Cos, one of my favourite shops no matter what my shape. I haven’t brought myself to wear it again as I feel a bit pregnant in it, so it hangs in my wardrobe reminding me of the lovely, stylish, comfiness that it is.

Wishfulstylequeen at 40 weeks pregnant
Me & bump at 40 weeks with a silly arm pose!

I was 40 weeks pregnant, with a bump that had been that size since about 34 weeks, and passers by would comment how HUGE I was, and was I sure I wasn’t having twins? If it’s not twins it’s a big baby, I wouldn’t fancy being you giving birth to that. (I’m serious more than one person said that to me, cue even less sleepless nights filled with terror that I would give birth to a 15lber!).

I was convinced while rocking my silly cock armed pose, that this would be the last photo with bump, sure it was nearly my due day, I was going to go before then. Little did I know I’d be pulling this pose a few more times over the next two weeks(Little A was born at 41 + 4).

Just like my phone, the not enough storage warning was flashing, but it was only a warning, I had two weeks of curry eating, pineapple scoffing and horrific heartburn before Little A finally made his fashionably late entrance into the world.